We’re passionate about helping our partner spaces grow strong, whilst making your lives easier and your members happier.

We want to help amazing people find fantastic spaces.

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    Register As A Host Today

    It all starts with one form. Register and tell us how to reach you.

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    Let’s plan your offering

    We understand that every space and host is different.

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    Setup a beautiful profile

    Your space is beautiful, and so, your profile must be too!

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    We begin promoting your space.

    And start connecting you with amazing individuals.

Already got people renting some of your desks?

That’s fantastic! By joining the included.co network, you get to triple your value-add, immediately!

  • Community Ratings

    Our site ranks spaces on the great work they do in keeping their community happy and comfortable.

    You keep focussing on looking after your guests, we’ll focus on telling the world about it.

  • Exclusive Packages

    We use the buying-power of 778 partner spaces, to negotiate service and product packages.

    These are only available to entrepreneurs working in spaces like yours.

  • Growing Network

    Your guests will be able to sell their business, products and services directly into the other 778 spaces.

    The more money they make, the longer they can stay in your space.

And you’ll be in great company!

We’re working, and connecting, the following entrepreneur-friendly hosts: